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Classical Chinese Mahjong Rules


Rules for more or less than four players

Two-Hand Game [18]
The two players sit opposite each other, and are alternately East and West, the positions changing after each hand, regardless of which player wins. The original East position may be determined by shuffling and drawing two Wind tiles, or by a throw of two dice. Each player builds the section of the wall in front of him and also the section on his right. In throwing the dice to determine which player shall breach the wall, an odd number selects East and an even number West. A discard cannot be chowed. The non-winner pays the full amount of the winner's score. East does not pay or receive double.

Three-Hand Game
There are varied methods as to how to play the game with three players, but the following is usually adopted as the best and simplest. The wall having been built in the usual way, the three players draw their hands, but the fourth hand is not drawn. The player on dummy's right can, therefore, Chow from the players on dummy's left, and East Wind can never be held by dummy, but passes direct from the player on dummy's left to the player on dummy's right. The Round consists of three hands unless East Wind wins, otherwise the game is played in exactly the same manner as with four players.

Five Hand Game [18]
A suit is shuffled with the four Wind tiles before drawing for seats. The player who draws the suit tile sits out until the end of the first hand. At the end of each hand, whether won or drawn, East retires, and the player sitting out takes his place and becomes North in the next hand.

Six Hand Game [18]
Two suit tiles (a one and a nine) are shuffled with the four Wind tiles before drawing for seats. The players drawing the two suit tiles sit out. At the end of the first hand, whether won or drawn, East retires; the player who drew the one takes his place and is North for the second hand. At the end of the second hand the second East retires and the player who drew the nine takes his place and becomes North. Thereafter, East retires at the end of each hand, and the player who has sat out the longer re-enters the hand and becomes North.

Go to 7 The Special Hands