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Classical Chinese Mahjong Rules



Stake or “Size of the Pie” - Players initial stakes [5]

counter value
counter total
10 Counters (with two black dots)
8 Counters (with ten black dots)
9 Counters (with one red dot)
2 Counters (with five red dots)

Scores only settled if a player gone Mahjong. Each player scores their tiles which can be checked by other players. There is a resolution scheme if a player disputes the score as determined by another player.

Payment methods

  • Only winner paid
  • Only winner paid. East Wind paying or receiving double the difference between value of his hand and the other players. [1,12]
  • Differences between all players paid with East paying double. – This seems to be the preferred Chinese Classical method.
  • Winner always collects from all players without deducting. All other players settle up with winner first, then with each other by paying the difference in points. East player ALWAYS collects and pays double (also double the limit if a limit hand)! [4,5,17,18,19]
  • Payment also based on from the wall or discard. Discarder get a penalty.
    • Dealer goes out self-drawn: each pays 2x
    • Dealer goes out on discard: discarder pays 6x
    • Non-dealer goes out self-drawn: each 1x; dealer 2x
    • Non-dealer goes out on discard: discarder pays 4x (whether dealer or not)


  1. A hand cannot normally go Mahjong with more than one chow, except in the case of Buried Treasure. Variation, I thinks any number is more normal.
  2. A Fishing hand is entitled to the same doubles as the same hand which goes Mah-Jong. The only difference is the bonus 20 points awarded for going Mah-Jong.
  3. The description “All Pongs” includes hands containing Kongs.
  4. Note: Ref [6] says that non-winners do not get any doubles for their score.

Any error in counting which is against the claimant should not be corrected by another player. A player who volunteers such correction may be called upon to pay to the players who have not settled with the player in error, the difference between the score claimed and the correct score [18]. After the last payment has been made, no error shall be corrected [18].

The Limit

Limits to Scoring

  • Chinese – NOT using Seasons/Flowers = 300 points
  • Chinese – using Seasons/Flowers = 500 points
  • Western – using Seasons (always) [19] = 1000 points

The Limit of payment to the winner shall be fixed as above, East paying or receiving double. When the difference between the scores of two non-winning hands exceeds the Limit, only the Limit shall be paid, East paying or receiving double [18].

Any had value over the limit is limited to the limit value. The limit applies to the hand value not the payable amount which in the case of East will be twice the limit [19].

The Score Values

Scoring Black is the starting set of scores (almost matching [1]), deviations made in the following colours. Only ref [19] shown here. (Alternative score in blue See second section – additions or changes) (this colour indicates clarification required) Extra or (*) indicates missing or (* comment) different from our houserules when compared to the complete alternative rules


Exposed (points)

Concealed (points)




Pongs of minor tiles, (1-8)



Pongs of major tiles, (1,9,W,D)



Kongs of minor tiles, (1-8)



Kongs of major tiles, (1,9,W,D)



Extra Points (see spreadsheet for scoring related to other scoring methods)

Criterion (comments relevant by colour)

Ref [19]

All hands

Claiming (other rules imply chows as well) Ponging or Konging the first discard from East Wind


Flower or Season

4 pts

Any Pair of Dragons *

2 pts

Pair of Owner’s Wind *

2 pts

Pair of the Wind of the Round *

2 pts

Each Pong/Kong of Dragons

1 dbl

Pong/Kong of players own Wind

1 dbl

Pong/Kong of Wind of the Round

1 dbl

Terminal or honour pongs/kongs


Players own Flower and Season

1 dbl

Players own Flower or Season


Prevailing winds flower or season


Bouquet of flowers of seasons (also seen as 2 dbl, making 3 with own flower or season) [18] says 4 dbl but includes the dbl for players flower/season

1 dbl

3 consecutive sequences 1x (one suit)


Two dragon Pong/Kong and a dragon pair (Little three Dragons) (Three Small Scholars)

1 dbl

Three dragon Pong/Kong (Big three Dragons) [1, 5, 17]
Three Great Scholars [19]
The Three Great Scholars limit hand is Three dragon sets plus any Pong and any pair for a Mah-Jong hand.

2 dbl or limit for 3 scholars

Three wind Pong/Kong and a wind pair (Little Four Joys, Four Small Blessings ) [9] requires own pong of winds

1 dbl

Four wind Pong/Kong [1] (Big Four Joys, [5] Four Large Blessings, Four Large Lucks, Four Blessings)
[19] The Four Joys in Full or Four Blessings Hovering Over the Door is four wind Pongs plus any pair for a Mah-Jong hand.

2 dbl or limit for 4 Joys in full

Three concealed Pongs

1 dbl

Only winning hand

All simples – minor tiles


All one suit with Winds and Dragons

1 dbl

All one suit with no Winds or Dragons (Purity, Clear suit )

3 dbl

All (4) concealed Pongs ( [19] or Kongs (including concealed pong made to exposed kong with discard ) ("Hidden Treasure", Buried Treasure) [19] and last tile from the wall


Hand consisting of all tiles of one suit plus Winds and/or Dragons, only Pongs and Kongs and completely Concealed. (The Buried Treasure)


Concealed Clear Suit (all same suit, all concealed plus past tile from wall)


Terminals with Winds and Dragons Major Tiles

1 dbl

Terminals without Winds and Dragons ([1], [19]) ( Heads and Tails )


All Honours - Hand entirely of Winds and Dragons (All Symbols)

2 dbl if "with the roof off" else limit hand

Winning and “fishing” hands


All concealed – except last tile is a discard


All concealed (last tile must be from wall) (also in [1])

1 dbl

All concealed (Buried Treasure) with no Kongs (to prove this for fishing had must have at least 2 chows)


Winning hand only


Going Mah-Jong

10 pts

Non-scoring hand (excluding flowers and seasons) Winning without Scoring Value ([4] (inconsistent with text but double in example)) [7] says excluding the basic going out score. {[18, 19 ] says drawn from wall, final, only, fishing eyes tiles}

1 dbl

Winning with a tile dealt/drawn from the Wall

2 pts

By going Mah-Jong in the only possible place in a chow ; (2nd of pair/ middle of sequence/ or 3 or 7 of terminal sequence) ([9, 13] simple eye/edge/gap/2-pair calling) (Out on 1 chance chow (1-2-X, X-8-9, 1-X-2) [17]) { [19] Not the only tile in the case of having 6-7-8-9 as 6 or 9 could be the pair. }

2 pts

All Pongs/Kongs (no sequences Chows) ( Winning by Pairs, Birds Singing in Harmony )

1 dbl

Going Mah-Jong with 5 circles ( Picked by the Golden Cock, Gathering plum blossom from the roof ) [5] Plum blossom on the roof. [13, 19 ] says this must be a loose tile as well.


Completing the Pair for Mah-Jong ( Fishing the eyes )

2 for minor tile, 4 for major

Winning with a Standing Hand (Completing an Original Call) (Also in [1] – clarify this is called “End piece hand (last card may be claimed) ”) , [18] calls this a Delayed Call.

1 dbl

Going Mahjong with the first tile discarded by East Wind. ( Earths Grace, The Terrestrial Blessing, Earth’s Blessing, [5] Earthly Peace, [9] Blessing of Earth )


Mah-Jong from a loose tile (Kong Box) ( Winning on the Roof, Opening a flower on top of a mountain ) ([3,9,17] calls this a supplemental tile)

1 dbl

Mah-Jong from the last playable tile off the Wall and this is a one of circles ( Moon from the Bottom of the Sea) [13]


Mah-Jong from the last playable tile off the Wall ( To catch a Fish from the Bottom of the Sea) Distinction made in drawing the tile (Winning from the bottom of the sea) and it being a discarded tile (Catching the fish from the bottom of the river) – both cases are the last tile.

1 dbl

Original Hand – East winds dealt hand plus easts first tile from the wall, [5] states this as going Mah-Jong from the first time a hand has 14 tiles. (elsewhere also called The Heavenly Blessing , Hand from Heaven and The Natural Winning)


Easts Original hand as dealt ( Heaven’s Blessing / Grace / [5] Heavenly Peace, [6] Hand from Heaven, Heavenly Hand [17])


Mah-Jong by Robbing the Kong (only possible from robbing an exposed pong)

1 dbl

Robbing the Kong and the tile is a 2 bamboo ("Scratching a Carrying Pole") [13]


Easts 13 th consecutive Mahjong (discounting draw hands) (East moves on)


Kong on Kong: (Twofold fortune) When a player completing a kong, draws a loose-tile which completes a second kong, he must draw another loose tile. If this second loose-tile completes his hand he scores the limit. (bonus tiles can also be drawn in the same time)


limit hands

Imperial Jade


Nine Gates - Nine United Sons - Calling Nine Tile Hand - Nine Sacred Lamps of Lotus


The Wriggling Snake


Thirteen Unique Wonders Thirteen Orphans - Thirteen Terminals [10] says it is the only original irregular hand.


Four Kongs (Fourfold Plenty)


Go to 5 Penalties